Starseed Films
Future Projects in Development:
An extraterrestrial being with an important mission visits Earth in 1353 B.C.
disguised as an Egyptian pharaoh.
The life and science of the great inventor, Nikola Tesla who set out to change the
world of fossil fuels and energy monopolies. He revolutionized the technological
world giving us radio, rotary engines, x rays, motors, microwaves, radar, AC power,
robots, remote control, and even had a plan to provide wireless free energy to the
entire world before the plan was shut down by those in power.
(screenplay available by request)
A young man battles his own mind to discover the truth about UFOs, Crop Circles,
Government Conspiracies, Extraterrestrial Gods and World Domination.
(screenplay available by request)
A scientist discovers the missing link in Einstein's equation, taking him on an
adventure around the world where he meets the masters of mysticism who
teach him that the world is not quite what it seems
(screenplay available by request)
A love story set in the backdrop of ancient Atlantis.
(screenplay available by request)
The movie about the legend of Extraterrestrial giants with advanced
technology who colonize the Earth thousands of years ago and proclaim
themselves as gods.
The story of a master alchemist who attains immortality and works for
generations toward the gradual enlightenment of mankind.

The Star King is a Metaphysical Adventure about the life of King Akhenaton, the most unusual king in Egyptian history, who mysteriously appeared in 1353 B.C. and took the throne in Egypt. Something very strange happened in the 18th dynasty and Akhenaton and his Queen Nefertiti virtually disappeared from history until 1920 when the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti was discovered under a pile of rubble.
Imagine if you had the power to change the course of our spiritual evolution during the cradle of civilization but you were ridiculed and bastardized for introducing humanitarian concepts that were way ahead of their time; then your name and your entire family was erased from history and you were called a "Heretic". This is what happened to King Akhenaton. Creating more awareness about this mysterious king will help people come to know Akhenaton and help us correct Earth’s history.
King Akhenaton gave so much to our spiritual evolution and was almost forgotten in time. Through this film we will return his legacy and place his name in the minds of millions who will come to know who he really was and what he did for the human race.
Michael Perlin is the the director, writer and producer of "3 Magic Words". He is the author of "Fantastic Adventures in Metaphysics", a mystical adventure into Earth's secret history, its lost civilizations and its hidden knowledge. He has worked as an editor, sound engineer and visual quality technician for many major motion pictures. When he began his search for a common theme from all the great spiritual teachers in history, he came across a book called “Three Magic Words: The Key To Power, Peace, and Plenty” by Uell Stanley Andersen copyright 1954. This became his inspiration to create the movie and to help others on the path to a higher consciousness.
Maura Malini Hoffman is the Co-Producer of "3 Magic Words". Maura has dedicated her life to the mystical path of self-realization. She received her B.S. in Business Management from Cal State University at Northridge. She coordinates and hosts at various spiritual retreats, seminars and workshops. She was Program Coordinator and personal assistant to Byron Katie and "The Work". Maura received a Masters & Life coach certification from the Ford Institute of Integrative Coaching, in affiliation with JFK University. She is also a Certified Teacher of Shaktipat meditation with the Self Awareness Institute. Maura is an active volunteer at Ammachi and Agape International Spiritual Center.
Radio Shows - Listen to Michael Perlin