3 Magic Words is Coming to a Theater Near You!

I am happy to announce the Theatrical Release of the 3 Magic Words Movie! It has been a four year journey of making the film, securing distribution, launching it on VOD and cable networks and now finally we plan to release it in full HD – 5.1 surround sound in theaters around Los Angeles and beyond!  Click below to request a screening of 3 Magic Words and help us bring the  movie to your area through Tugg!  What is Tugg? Tugg brings the movies you want to your local theater.

Click below to request a screening or Host an Event in your area!
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Starseed Films is a metaphysical film company- its mission is to create inspiring films that will bring people together into unity consciousness.   Its goal with 3 Magic Words is to translate the movie into every major language and bring it to the world.

By starseedfilms

Producer, Director, Writer of 3 Magic Words Movie & founder of Starseed Films